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Published Works

"Mariam Barry’s creative non-fiction piece “Twin Flame” will show you what it’s like to see kinship and family everywhere you look."

                              - Room Magazine


My latest creative non-fiction piece is dropping as part of Room Magazine's Indigenous Brilliance 44.3 issue. Click the link below to pre-order a copy:



I'm so humbled to have my work featured alongside a cohort of Indigenous, Black, and Afro-Indigenous creatives.



In Response to Alabama

Writing for Professional Theatre

My theatre piece Butterflies is a one-woman show within a larger play called "In Response to Alabama". This political work was created in response to recent moves in the US to criminalize women's autonomy over their bodies. I was invited to write my own take on reproductive justice as a woman of colour by the play's lead artists. The process of diving fearlessly into this topic was both radical and compelling. To this day Butterflies is one of the most transformative pieces of art I've ever made.

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Writing for Independent Films

I was the creator and screenwriter for "Rise", an independent film that examines anti-blackness and micro-aggressions at work. This film was commissioned by Bakau Consulting Inc (formerly known as Cicely Blain Consulting) as content for their racial justice workshop, Unlearning Anti-Blackness 101. I loved deepening my art in this film by bringing many of my own personal experiences to the script. 


This is one of many examples where I am hired to create content for corporate clients.



Writing for Professional Film Clients

In my former position as a program coordinator and film editor for Reel Youth, a non-profit arts organization for young people, I wrote the screenplay "C.A.R.E.: A Guide to Bystander Intervention".


This sex ed video will be shown in schools throughout British Columbia to educate teens on consent and sexual violence. I'm proud to lend my voice in this important work.

Piles of Books

Screenwriting Credits

  • C.A.R.E (short film), 2018

  • Rise (short film), 2019

  • Legacy (short film), 2020

  • Yaye (formerly known as Tiana, short film), Studio 104 Entertainment, HGF: BC Shorts Program, 2022

  • Becoming (web series), in development with the IGNITE Youth Festival

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Written Works

  • Twin Flame (creative non fiction), Room Magazine


Playwriting  Credits

  • Butterflies (play), Little Thief Theatre in collaboration with Pi Theatre

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